Warren Buffett says Berkshire Hathaway is looking at an investment in Canada

Posted: May 06, 2024

- Warren Buffet of Berkshire Hathaway is considering investing in Canada - Buffett feels confident investing in Canada due to similarities in operations with the US - Buffett has previously invested in Canada, such as in Home Capital Group - Specific company Buffett is considering investing in Canada was not revealed - Canada's S&P/TSX Composite Index is up 5% this year, with a large financial and commodity industry

Summarized top reddit comments: - Speculation on potential top 5 market cap companies for Berkshire Hathaway to invest in Canada - Suggestions of energy plays and blackberry as potential investments - Mention of Canadian stocks being at a discount - Speculation on Berkshire potentially investing in Canadian LPs entering the US market - Mention of Berkshire potentially looking into Brookfield due to renewable energy holdings - Mention of Canadian government potentially offloading the transmountain pipeline and Berkshire's potential involvement

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