Warren Buffet likes CHUBB. Invested almost 7 billion into the stock.

Posted: May 16, 2024

- Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway revealed a $6.72 billion investment in Chubb, leading to a rise in Chubb's stock price. - Berkshire owned 25.92 million shares in Chubb as of March 31. - Chubb's stock has risen over 16% this year, mirroring gains after Berkshire's disclosure. - Berkshire had $189 billion in cash as of March, a record high. - Buffett reduced Berkshire's stake in Apple by 22% to $135 billion but expects it to remain the largest stock investment. - Berkshire obtained SEC permission to keep Chubb stock purchases confidential. - Berkshire's filing does not specify if the investments were made by Buffett or portfolio managers Todd Combs and Ted Weschler.

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