$TSM earnings

Posted: Jul 05, 2024

- Hardware demand is increasing due to organizations ordering more components for cloud provider and ISP network infrastructure - TSM (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) and its subsidiaries are key in manufacturing these components - Tech companies are adapting to the demand by cutting excess employees and overworking groups - The poster is investing $3,000 in TSM calls for July 19 at $185, confident in the potential for growth in the stock.

🚨 Reddit sentiment: mixed/positive - While there is some frustration about missed gains and tax issues, many comments are optimistic about TSM's performance and potential stock price increase. Summarized comments: - Some users are expressing frustration over missing gains after selling calls prematurely. - Discussed the impact of reporting sales figures monthly on quarterly earnings. - Anticipation for TSM earnings since April. - Discussion around handling call options and positions with optimism for stock price exceeding $190. - A user mentioned considering puts based on past earnings performance of TSM. - User disappointment about high taxation affecting returns and preference for Nvidia. - Clarification provided on US and Taiwan tax implications related to dividends and capital gains. - A user speculates $TSM could reach $300 by end-of-year. Stock tickers discussed: $TSM

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