This is what it looks like when you actually take money out. Protect your profits!

Posted: May 06, 2024

- Strategy involves buying July at the money calls for Mag 7 companies like Apple and Amazon - Avoids 0dte due to theta drain, prefers playing big companies - Withdraws $10,000 monthly to prevent greed - Maintains balanced account with 50% shares and 50% calls - Uses margin off of shares to play options - Moved $150,000 to build a guest house as protection against greed - Main money in Fidelity retirement account, Riskier plays done on RH account - Uses method to protect against greed and prevent losses - Has been on Wall Street Bets for over 5 years gaining insight into sentiment - Shares method for success and thanks community for insights The linked posts provide additional information about the user's strategy and success.

Summarized top reddit comments: - Taking money out of the market is crucial to protect profits - Greed can destroy potential gains - Celebrate profits rather than being envious - The importance of taking profits to avoid losses - Not taking profits out of the market can lead to financial ruin

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