The market only goes up. The sooner you accept this the better
Posted: Apr 28, 2024
- Stock market trend of growth is due to most people not selling - Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) is a common strategy where people regularly invest in stocks or crypto - Most selling activity is done by bots, not real people - Few companies that consistently decline do so because people stop buying, not because people are selling every day
Summarized top reddit comments: - The S&P500 keeps going up by adding profitable big companies and removing unprofitable ones - Long-term perspective is important when considering market trends - Market crashes might not affect retail investors as much as banks, large traders, and companies - Government spending more than tax revenues leads to asset prices denominated in USD continually rising - Trading options requires knowing when to exit and re-enter the market - It may take years to see gains in investments - Picking good companies and monitoring their growth is important in investing - The stock market grows because the world economy is growing.
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