NVDA Expectations

Posted: May 22, 2024

- NVDA's Q1 earnings beat expectations with $6.12 EPS and $26.04B revenue - Expectations have been surpassed consistently but with decreasing momentum - Predict 15-20% growth in stock price in next month - NVDA remains a good long-term play with high demand for Hopper and Blackwell - Predict NVDA will reach pre-split value of $1100-$1150 by end of June

Summarized top reddit comments: - Expectations for NVDA to reach $1100 before the first day of the split trading on June 10 - Speculation on whether NVDA will reach $1200 by open the following day - Anticipation for a surge of buyers on June 7 and June 10 due to stock split - Predictions of more butt puckering earnings in the future - Speculation on revenue potential from selling BW this year - Forecasts of NVDA stock price exceeding expectations due to overall positive narrative - Uncertainty on how to handle calls expiring on June 7 - Fear of missing out on potential growth and reluctance to sell covered calls - Foreseen small pullback in the next few months followed by high margin growth - Recommendation to buy the dip during any pullbacks

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