Now Borrowing $4.2M in Derivatives (Cautious and Responsible)

Posted: Jul 02, 2024

- Started with $400K Leveraged Smart Beta account - Account now at $1.3M with $645K in gains - Borrowed another $200K, total borrowing now at $4.2M - Leverage at 4:1, down from 5:1 4 months ago - Portfolio beating market by more than double, currently up +130% compared to market's 60% - Being cautious and responsible in borrowing more due to stocks being at all-time highs - Guide on making money with leveraged smart beta portfolio: [here](

🚨 Reddit sentiment: mixed/negative - The majority of comments express concerns about the high leverage risking total loss and question the contradiction between leverage and being responsible, despite a few users expressing fascination or admiration towards the risk-taking. Summarized comments: - leveraging strategy concerns: risky to lose everything with high leverage, especially in a prolonged stagflationary environment - comments suggest risk aversion and caution when using leverage - high leverage and 'cautious and responsible' seen as contradictory - user's leverage ratio (5:1) widely criticized as too risky - questions raised about high interest costs linked to the leveraged account ($231K per year at 5.5%) - some admiration for risk tolerance but advised against high leverage - goal of becoming 'filthy rich' with no clear exit strategy Stock tickers discussed: SPY

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