IBRX - Institutional Money Potential and Good Plan Forward

Posted: Apr 27, 2024

- Institutional ownership of mature pharma companies is around 70%, IBRX only at 8%, indicating room for institutional investments - IBRX investor presentation indicates company readiness for big leagues - Stock price at peak, bought near peak, invested more than usual - New drug approval increased stock visibility - Investor call mentioned immediate deployment potential with distributors, international market expansion, drug is easy to incorporate into treatments, no special requirements - Significant insider ownership, owned by billionaire - Potential risks include pump and dump, cash bleed, need for more cash for international expansion, drug effectiveness - Potential for institutional money as company solidifies itself as legit pharma company

Summarized top reddit comments: - ImmunityBio (IBRX) has potential to be a multi-billion dollar company - Majority owner is billionaire doctor with successful track record - Next generation cancer treatment with promising results - Comparisons to other pharmaceutical companies like Merck - Positive sentiment from investors and willingness to invest - Conference call link provided for further information - Speculation on stock performance and options trading - Mixed opinions on investment strategies and confidence in stock's potential

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