Calls on guns (SWBI)

Posted: Jun 19, 2024

- $SWBI (Smith and Wesson) has earnings releases on Thursday - They have a clean balance sheet, great margins, PE of 28, and dividend yield of 3% - Potential for sales to increase regardless of election outcome - Due to slow earnings week, more attention may be on SWBI - Recent release of new product and move to Tennessee may boost stock price

🚨 Reddit sentiment: mixed/negative - While some users are considering investing in SWBI and see potential due to external factors like Ukraine, there are also negative opinions about the option pricing and doubts about earnings. Summarized comments: - Some users mention investing in Smith & Wesson for potential gains - Questions about whether earnings will be good this quarter - Escalations in Ukraine mentioned as a justification for investment - A user didn't like the option pricing and had SWBI in their portfolio for a while Stock tickers discussed: $SWBI

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