BA just got FAA-CKED
Posted: May 06, 2024
- FAA investigating Boeing for potentially missing inspections on 787 Dreamliner airplanes - Concern about adequate bonding and grounding where wings join the fuselage - Investigation to determine if Boeing completed required inspections and if employees falsified records - Boeing voluntarily informed FAA about the issue - FAA will take necessary action to ensure safety of flying public - Boeing re-inspecting all 787 airplanes within production system - Developing story, check for updates.
Summarized top reddit comments: - FAA news leads to negative reactions towards Boeing stock - Discussion of whistleblower situation within the company - Mention of profiting from puts on the company - Speculation on potential impact of the news on Boeing's stock - Reference to Boeing's history and potential consequences of their actions - Mention of potential stock buying opportunities during decline - Optimism regarding potential bailout and stock buybacks for Boeing - Impact on stock options mentioned, trajectory not changed significantly
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