All-In on IBRX: SI @40%, SP up 43% Fri, CTB 189%, 8× Avg. Vol! 🚀🚀🚀

Posted: Apr 27, 2024

- All in on IBRX stock - FDA approval for cancer drug - Successful conference call with production and shipping details - Per dose cost $30,000+ - Float is 40% shorted - Billionaire owner with majority share - High volume and high short percentage - Holding for potential profits and hoping for continued rise in stock price - Options don't expire until May 17th.

Summarized top reddit comments: - People are excited about IBRX and buying shares/leaps - Some users are skeptical of the hype and considering shorting - Others have been holding NantKwest for years - Some are already seeing big gains with $7 calls - A reminder set for future updates on the post about IBRX and its performance

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